This function provides instantaneous forward rates. They can be used in no-arbitrage short rate models, to fit the yield curve exactly.
input maturities
input zero rates
number of independent observations
horizon of projection
either "annual", "semi-annual", "quarterly", "monthly", "weekly", or "daily" (1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/12, 1/52, 1/252)
specifies the type of spline to be used for interpolation. Possible values are "fmm", "natural", "periodic", "monoH.FC" and "hyman".
See spline
; "HCSPL" (Hermite cubic spline) or "SW" (Smith-Wilson)
additional parameters provided to splinefun
# Yield to maturities
txZC <- c(0.01422,0.01309,0.01380,0.01549,0.01747,0.01940,0.02104,0.02236,0.02348,
# Observed maturities
u <- 1:30
fwd1 <- esgfwdrates(in.maturities = u, in.zerorates = txZC,
n = 10, horizon = 20,
out.frequency = "semi-annual", method = "fmm")
matplot(as.vector(time(fwd1)), fwd1, type = 'l')
fwd2 <- esgfwdrates(in.maturities = u, in.zerorates = txZC,
n = 10, horizon = 20,
out.frequency = "semi-annual", method = "natural")
matplot(as.vector(time(fwd2)), fwd2, type = 'l')
fwd4 <- esgfwdrates(in.maturities = u, in.zerorates = txZC,
n = 10, horizon = 20,
out.frequency = "semi-annual", method = "hyman")
matplot(as.vector(time(fwd4)), fwd4, type = 'l')