Fit and forecast for benchmarking purposes
h = NULL,
pct_train = 0.9,
pct_calibration = 0.5,
method = c("thetaf", "arima", "ets", "te", "tbats", "tslm", "dynrmf", "ridge2f",
"naive", "snaive"),
level = 95,
B = 1000L,
seed = 17223L,
graph = TRUE,
conformalize = FALSE,
type_calibration = c("splitconformal", "cv1", "loocv"),
gap = 3L,
agg = c("mean", "median"),
vol = c("constant", "garch"),
type_sim = c("kde", "surrogate", "bootstrap"),
A univariate time series of class ts
Forecasting horizon (default is NULL
, in that case, pct_train
and pct_calibration
are used)
Percentage of data in the training set, when h
Percentage of data in the calibration set for conformal prediction
For now "thetaf" (default), "arima", "ets", "tbats", "tslm", "dynrmf" (from ahead), "ridge2f" (from ahead), "naive", "snaive"
Confidence level for prediction intervals in %, default is 95
Number of bootstrap replications or number of simulations (yes, 'B' is unfortunate)
Reproducibility seed
Plot or not?
Calibrate or not?
"splitconformal" (default conformal method), "cv1" (do not use), "loocv" (do not use)
length of training set for loocv conformal (do not use)
"mean" or "median" (aggregation method)
"constant" or "garch" (type of volatility modeling for calibrated residuals)
"kde", "surrogate", "bootstrap" (type of simulation for calibrated residuals)
additional parameters
an object of class 'forecast' with additional information