Loess forecasting
A numeric vector or time series of class ts
Forecasting horizon
Confidence level for prediction intervals
the parameter which controls the degree of smoothing
the degree of the polynomials to be used, normally 1 or 2. (Degree 0 is also allowed, but see stats::loess
Type of prediction interval currently (independent) "bootstrap", (circular) "blockbootstrap", or "movingblockbootstrap"
block length for circular block bootstrap
number of bootstrap replications
Type of aggregation, ONLY for bootstrapping; either "mean" or "median"
reproducibility seed
An object of class "forecast"; a list containing the following elements:
A list containing information about the fitted model
The name of the forecasting method as a character string
Point forecasts for the time series
Lower bound for prediction interval
Upper bound for prediction interval
The original time series
Residuals from the fitted model
Model simulations for bootstrapping